recently, someone i know asked me, 'how do you write a blog?'
ummmmm.. i dont know? you just do?
i had been reading various blogs long before i ever attempted to create one, but it was far different than i even expected it to be.
what am i supposed to write about? is anybody going to read it? why would people care what i have to say?
i think the most liberating and intimidating thing about blogging is the
freedom you have - you can literally write about
anything you want. because of this, you have to find a focus. granted, my blog as a whole doesn't really have one set focus, but one way i try to create some kind of coherence is by posting once a day. some bloggers post multiple times a day
(which i love because there's always something new to read) and that can work for a lot of people. for me though, i feel like focusing on one 'topic' each day helps me stay organized. i can also take a step back and look at the things i've talked about that week or that month, which helps me integrate more variety in my posts.
there is a large part of blogging that requires you to simply, not give a fuck. i'm one of the lucky ones in the respect that i haven't gotten any hater comments on my posts
(which is because i hardly get any comments on my posts, but i'll take what i can get..). but i'm sure there are plenty of people that think my blog is dumb. and that's perfectly fine with me. my blog is for me, and i use it as a way to celebrate this time in my life. you kind of have to be fearless to be a blogger. people blog about weight loss, relationship or family problems, pregnancy, illness, death, life, birth, everything. don't be afraid to write about what you want! the people who keep coming back are there to hear
(or read, rather) your opinions, so don't hold back!
another thing that helps me tremendously is planning. i usually try and plan a month in advance when it comes to posts on this blog. granted, if there's something tremendous that happens and i want to blog about it that day or the next day, i will rearrange my posts so that i can include it. while there is a framework to my blog, i also try and keep it 'loose' to a degree. i enjoy sharing pictures and stories from my personal life with my readers, along with interesting articles, tips and tricks, or other topics. i also like planning because it makes me feel good to know that when ya'll go to your bookmarks and click on my url, there will be something new waiting for you every day!
even though blogging was a lot more than i anticipated initially, it's a lot of fun! you can post pictures, articles, music, art,
anything on a blog! so go, be free, and blog : )
until next time..
<3 alaina